Repeater Status
As of June 27:
All Repeaters are Operational
The 1.25m (220MHz) repeater is now working!
Thanks to Mark, Rod and Chris
for their hard work.
Try it out!
The Fusion repeater is working well.
Wires-X capability is available.
The 2 meter repeater now has
AllStar Functionality.
Please see the AllStar page for further information on this digital mode.
UHF Digital Repeater - Yaesu System Fusion
Wires-X capable!
Fusion Digital Repeater in Digital Narrow mode DN
on 442.0375 +5 MHz
No Tone.
Call Sign: VE3RSB Frequency: 442.0375 MHz Offset: plus 5 MHz Tone: none
How to use Yaesu System Fusion
Yaesu System Fusion 101 document. This document is intended to help you get on the air, as well as clear up any misconception or terminology issue.
AMS (automatic mode selection) is NOT enabled.
This means that the repeater will not accept "Analogue" signals and repeat back "Analogue" at this time. The mode of preference is DN (Digital Narrow)
Please join us for our System Fusion & WIRES-X net on Mondays at 8PM on VE3RSB 442.0375 (+5 MHz, No Tone) or room #61272.
FM Analog Repeaters
VHF Repeater
Now with AllStar Functionality
Call Sign: VE3RSB Frequency:147.210 MHz Offset: + 600 kHz Tone:131.8 Hz
UHF Repeater
Call Sign: VE3RSB Frequency: 444.825 MHz Offset: + 5 MHz Tone: 131.8 Hz
1.25m Repeater
Call Sign: VE3RSB Frequency: 224.740 MHz Offset: -1.6 MHz
Tone: 131.8 Hz (Tx only)​
You will find that all analog repeaters will give better audio using the "Wide FM' mode
APRS Automatic Packet Reporting System
The BARC VE3RSB Digipeater is back on the air from the repeater site.
If you have not tried APRS, and it is available in your rig, set your rig to 144.390 and turn on your modem.
Set it up the way you want with beacon timing and make sure your callsign is entered correctly. The call sign is used as your identifier for APRS and to meet ISED identification requirements.
APRS provides situational awareness to all operators of everything that is going on in his local area, whether it be Weather reporting, traveler info, Direction Finding, objects pointing to ECHO link and IRLP, or Traffic reporting and emergency response. All of this while providing not only instantaneous operator-to-operator keyboard messaging capability for special events, but also an always-on Voice Alert backchannel between mobiles in simplex range. More APRS information here. There is even an APRS interface to the Win Link system called APRS link, so that mobiles can send and receive Email without needing a PC. Think of APRS as a signaling channel to reveal ALL amateur radio resources and live activities that are in range of the operator at any instant in time.