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VE3CJ Memorial Flea Market
February 2023 has been cancelled.
We look forward to this event in the future.
COMPASS POINT BIBLE CHURCH 1500 Kerns Road Burlington, Ontario, L7P 3A7
Vendor Entry: 7:00 AM
Doors Open at: 8:30 AM
Vendor Admission: $ 8.00
Vendor Tables: $20.00
General Admission: $ 8.00 per person
Free Parking, Free Coffee
Talk In: VE3RSB, 147.210 Mhz, Tone 131.8
Email table registrations to
Vendor Registration Form
Please note the new location of the VE3CJ Memorial Spring Flea Market
Close-up Map to the Church
Wheelchair friendly
No Stairs at this location
VE3CJ Information page
February 2020 "Thanks to vendors and all that made this a success"

CJ tickets
Taking tickets at the door

CJ Market activity

Wide aisles for easy shopping

CJ tickets
Taking tickets at the door
Important Restrictions Applies to all Vendors and Tailgaters
Sale or display of weapons, contraband, illegal merchandise or pornographic or abusive material is strictly prohibited. Sale of any food items or beverages other than authorized by the Burlington Amateur Radio Club Inc. is prohibited.
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